Known issues

List of known issues preventing us from successfully build and package the affected XtraDeb packages.

2023/04/24SolvedTSC24.04Unable to build on Ubuntu 24.04
2023/10/10ActiveMegamario23.10+The build is successful, but the game crashes with “Segmentation fault (core dumped)” on Ubuntu 23.10+.
2023/04/18ActiveSummoning Wars23.04+Upgrade OGRE 1.7 to 1.12.2 is needed to work on Ubuntu 23.04+.
2023/04/18SolvedCalibre23.04+Unable to build calibre-6.29.0 on Ubuntu 23.04+

If you think you can help,  reach us through the links in the bottom banner. Preferably, via the discussion link.